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Pets Tips #2 – Cats

claudiazPosted for Everyone to comment on, 5 years ago6 min read

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Many pet lovers view their animals, as members of the family, and do everything they can to maintain their physical and emotional well-being. Therefore, it won‘t surprise you that they also look for new and better ways to love and care for their pets and farm animals. So let‘s explore some alternative treatments for your animals.

Today, we have many alternatives at our disposal to keep our furry, fluffy, and feathered friends healthy and happy. The natural pet supplement market has been flooded with products promising amazing health benefits; trying to choose the right one can be overwhelming. Feel free to do your own research or consult your veterinarian before making a final decision. Seek out a holistic veterinarian in your area.

The ideas and alternative treatments presented originate from reliable and researched sources but don‘t hesitate to seek the advice of a holistic veterinarian, when necessary. I would encourage you to always do your own research and get sound advice before taking action.

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If your kitty sleeps outdoors in a cat basket or box, place a sheet of polystyrene (Styrofoam) under the basket, or inside the basket underneath a blanket. This is good for insulation and will help to keep kitty warm. Keep and collect small children‘s winter sweaters. They can be used for sickly, cold and elderly cats as pullovers to keep them warm in winter.

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The quality of life and health of your cat depends largely on their diet. Cats are carnivores and predators by nature and require a species-appropriate, meat-based diet. Cats need between 60 and 80 % meat protein to get enough essential amino acids. A deficiency of these essential amino acids can lead to blindness and other illnesses. Fresh meat should make up 80% of your cat‘s daily food intake and carbohydrates should not exceed 10%

*** Most importantly here is a list of foods that you should not give your kitty: - chocolate, onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, and tomatoes***

Coconut oil: - Feeding your cat coconut oil (1 tsp. per 4.5 kg) every two or three days is very beneficial for their health. Coconut oil, with its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, may prevent your cat from getting sick or infested with worms and parasites.

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Sprinkle some baking soda in your cat‘s litter box, underneath the cat litter. This will keep odours to a minimum.


Your cat may refuse to take pills whole. One solution is to crush the pill very fine and mix it in a lump of butter. Spread this mixture on the cat where they can lick it off. Another trick I use is to beat an egg and crush then mix the pill into the beaten egg. Make sure to mix it well. Cats love raw eggs so it should be easy.


If your cats spend a lot of time outdoors as well as being indoors they are very likely to bring the fleas inside the house. Be very cautious when using essential oils around your cats because some cats are overly sensitive. Here are a few options for you to try.

Apple cider vinegar:
This won‘t kill the fleas but it will make them jump out of your pet‘s coat. Combine apple cider vinegar and water, at a 2:1 ratio. Mix well and fill a spray bottle with the solution. Spray the mixture on the cat‘s skin. If your cat is afraid of spray bottles then simply apply it by wetting your hands and stroking it into the fur.

Lemon juice on a flea comb:
The lemon scent will help to deter the fleas, and the comb will help you to remove any adult fleas on your cat.

Flea Repellent Powder:
If you can‘t find these ingredients locally, you can buy them on the Internet.
• 1 cup of food grade diatomaceous earth
• 1/2 cup of neem powder
• 1/2 cup of yarrow powder

Mix the ingredients together in a jar and shake well. You can make small holes in the lid, turning the jar into a shaker, or use an empty spice jar with ready-made holes. Sprinkle the powder on the cat‘s fur and rub its fur in the opposite direction so the powder comes into contact with its skin. Be careful to avoid the eyes and nose. One application a month should be sufficient.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE):
Diatomaceous Earth (crushed into a fine powder) is also very effective. The sharp edges of DE may slice through the flea‘s waxy and tough exoskeleton, causing the parasite to become dehydrated and die. Take the necessary precaution when working with DE i.e. avoid contact with your eyes or nose. Then, sprinkle it onto a cat‘s coat and rub it in thoroughly.


Is the carpet smelly where the kitties sleep? This is easily remedied by sprinkling a little baking soda on the carpet. Leave it for about 10 minutes and then give it a thorough vacuuming.


What do you do when you‘ve just bought a new piece of furniture and your cat thinks it makes an excellent scratching post? Here are some things you can try.

• Provide a scratching post and train your cat to use it. Encourage your cat to use the post by placing their paws on it very gently a few times a day and rewarding them with a treat every time. Don‘t force them or they will develop negative feelings towards the post and won‘t go near it again. This will require patience.
• Double sided tape is a great deterrent. Since cats really dislike anything that sticks to their paws or claws, this works wonders. Place some double sided tape on the furniture where your cat likes to scratch.
• If you can trim your cat‘s claws, keep the nails trimmed regularly to limit damage from scratching.

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photos by @claudiaz
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