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Psychology In Negativity

samestPosted for Everyone to comment on, 5 years ago4 min read

Hi, Folks!

I think I need to talk to some people on this chain. I may be small but I am knowledgeable in some aspect.

Many times when you see what surrounds you, you ask questions why are some people have difficulty being positive? Achieving your goals comes with you pushing out of the negative mindset. See, there is nothing wrong with having problems, or with trying to find faults with something, but negativity is an attitude that always except such negative things to happen.


Let me ask you these questions?

  • Is it all the time your complaint or sometimes?

  • Is it that you always discussed what's wrong in the world all the time than what's right?

  • Is it all situations you blame everytime or sometimes?

How many of us believe that you have no control over most of our results? You say to yourself what did you say samest?

I believe that many negative minds come in due to fear of examination, fear of someone wants to take my place, fear of some personal issue, fear of what tomorrow holds e.t.c. and the entrance for negativity is through your mind which can cause damage to body and mind because it's release unnecessary stress and depression to your mind.

Do You Lack Motivation?

In starting a business, job or study we need motivation, most times people that surround us kill the passion in us because of there talks, act and movement which resulted in negativity in our minds. Lack of motivation has a bigger impact on our daily activities, what we read, hear, see and the environment we find ourselves go a long way to affect our thought.

Are You Minimising Positive?

Are you someone that keep thinking negative because of pass engagement or experience? See, the negative mind stops you from seeing positive, when the positive thing happens because of your thought that is negative it will be as if there is a screen filtering out positivity and just letting in stuff that is negative. Stop thinking extreme, Stop Reading Mind, Stop Taking All Responsibility.

Many at times, we read people mind and use it to form our actions. We take all responsibility at the end when we fuck up we feel bad. You can't do all, you can't have all the skills, you just have to allow space and grow. We learn every day and when you learn, you earn.

Until You Learn Ways To Listen, You Can't Earn. by samest

The quotation above implies that your listening is the determinant of your earning. Whoever you listen to frame your earning. Do you listen to critics? Do you listen to successful entrepreneur? Do you listen to champions? Do you listen to failure? What or who you listen to frame your world.

How Do You Conquer Negativity

Just like what I shared above listening is the key but note this; there is a temporary and permanent solution.

Temporary solution for negative thinking is for you to find out who you are, just engage yourself in good habits.

If you want a permanent solution, get the root of the problem, uproot them and start a new way of life.

Listen to this;

The Moment You Accept The Expectations Of Others, Especially The Negative Ones, You Can Never Change The Outcome. by samest

If you know that life is a game and you can't afford to quit until you expire then you will continue doing your work with all diligent no matter negative environment you find yourself think positive.

If you know that life is black and white, then you will rise up to your world to determine the color you want to paint yours.

I leave you with your state of mind, think positive all the time. Practice to be an optimist and Start with gratitude.

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