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Bitnation - The World's First Decentralized Boardless Voluntary Nation (DBVN) Part 1

oghiePosted for Everyone to comment on, 5 years ago5 min read


Its quite unfortunate to see how the government core priorities which should be the satisfaction of its citizens ranging from education, social amenities, infrastructures, and productions together with the ever-growing needs and desires of its citizens, all crumbles down as a result of their ever growing selfish desires. Award-winning "Nightwatchman", Robert Nozick added that;

Government core purpose exclusively zeroes down to the protection of property that is to say the provision of security and jurisdiction.

Nevertheless, the term 'property' shouldn't just be seen as physical possessions, as a matter of fact, the property ultimately begins from the ownership of our body, aspiration, freedom of speech, birth certificate, world citizenship and many more. Unfortunately, these 'properties' has been rubbed off from the citizens via the power of the government, which has lead many astray, homeless, hopeless, frustrated, despondent, downhearted and many others who have nowhere to call home.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction of BitNation
  2. The history of Bitnation governance 2.0
  3. The Pangea jurisdiction
  4. How does it work?
  5. My opinion

Introduction of BitNation

The emergence of blockchain technology has propagated the incomparable decentralization that is ultimately confederated together with it has en-grafted itself into numerous global systems that luxuriate on a central base of operation. All the same, the government, which undeniably is the most substantial centralized system in the history of mankind is yet to experience a tidbit of decentralization—Bitnation will definitely change in no time.
Having said that, before we examine what Bitnation entails together with its decentralized government system, via the use of the blockchain technology, it is compulsory that we first know about the platform whereabout.
Fundamentally, Bitnation is the world's first Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nation (DBVN). It was launched in July 2014. Where the world first blockchain marriage was hosted, together with other human 'properties' such as;
  • Birth certificate
  • World Citizenship
  • DBVN establishment
  • Refugee emergency ID.
At the time of writing, the website proof-of-concept which includes blockchain ID together with public notary is now consumed by thousands of Bitnation Citizens and Embassies across the universe. Furthermore, Bitnation is the originator of Pangea (a decentralized market that promotes peer-to-peer reckoning across the universe), Pangea will be used as the platform's decentralized market where other financial activities will be carried out. Since 'money' is the only legal tender that is seamlessly accepted across the world, the platforms token (PAT) will eventually be used to resolve conflict and disputes in the real world.
![]() [image source](https://www.google.com.ng/search?q=BitNation+images&rlz=1C1JZAP_enNG810NG810&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj_3bea2-PeAhWSDOwKHeypAjsQ_AUIDygC&biw=1366&bih=657#imgrc=J1Hdfq4PaZM8sM:)

The history of Bitnation governance 2.0

Bitnation is founded by Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, according to Wikipedia, Susanne who previously worked as a contractor, researching for various frontier and emerging markets over politics grew up in a Franco-Swedish family where her father had been stateless for over 10 years. Susanne being a defense contractor experienced what she called an ''unethical and non-sustainable governance'. However, with the help of the blockchain technology, Susanne got her inspiration from her dad's hardship and agony, she then extended her experiences backed with profound knowledge which progressively advanced to Bitnation.
Peradventure you've been scouting for the world's first borderless decentralized nation that is based on the blockchain, look no further, you have found it—Bitnation.

Bitnation or Cryptonation is more like a 'voluntary nation' that has its own currency just like every other nation has theirs. With the implementation of the Pangea Jurisdiction, users will be able to decipher the particular country they wish to reside through their smartphone. Sounds unbelievable right? That's right! Since am reviewing what Bitnation entails, I won't go into much details on their Pangea jurisdiction ( probably on my next post).

Having said that, the Bitnation currency is backed up with its Ethereum, which will ultimately facilitate bitcoin-denominated debit cards for its citizens through a process called Wirex Platform

Prior to the inception of Bitnation, 4 years ago when they launched their services, with the help of some cryptocurrency individuals, they were able to raise an initial sum of $100,00 USD. According to their whitepaper, 70% of the money they raised was used in transforming the devastated, hopeless citizens of that particular country. This little charity they bestowed on individuals made other top investors and dignitaries realize how the platform cares about the whereabouts of mankind, for this reason, they collided and made Bitnation what it is today.

Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof and James Fennell Tempelhof are one of the founding founders. Erik Vollstadt, Spanish, is responsible for marketing for Bitnation while Arlyn Culwick is a core member of Blocknet.

Visit the following websites for more information and resources


I am not a financial adviser, hence this article entails researched words and forward-looking statements. I sincerely recommend my readers to do their own research.

Bitnation whitepaper


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Current proposals

Bitnation blog

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