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Reverse Culture Shock

fun2learnPosted for Everyone to comment on, 5 years ago3 min read

Reverse Culture Shock is really a new term for me.

I just found out about this and it is interesting to know that there is such a term to describe one who lives overseas and got too used to its culture that found it hard to adapt back to the culture of his homeland when returns home.

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In Singapore, chewing gum is banned since 1992. It was banned due to bad disposal by many after chewing them. Many people threw them on the ground, seats and many other wrong places. The ban was to keep the environment clean.

Under the liquor Control Act, drinking of alcohol is not permitted in all public places in Singapore from 10.30 p.m. to 7 a.m. and retail shops are not allowed to sell alcohol at this timing.

You can read more about this from the article in the Singapore Local Newspaper below.

There are also places that smoking is prohibited to protect non-smokers from second-hand tobacco smoke.

The fact is most laws and bans were created to protect its citizens and the reasons behind were made known to everyone openly.

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Having new laws and bans are not easily done in Singapore as there would be many meetings and debates in the parliaments. These debates and discussions are broadcasted openly so that all decisions and possible opinions are discussed and transparent to every citizen.

There are many foreign talents and students who decided to stay in Singapore for various work opportunities and the well-known education system.

There are many fun cultures and it would be really hard to kick off the slang once these cultures become part of their habits and customisation.

Equality of everyone regardless of race or religion is also an extremely important aspect of Singapore.

Singapore wants to accept everyone regardless of origin of countries and everyone should have equal rights and be protected.

Below are a few videoclips of those who stayed in Singapore and had a reverse culture shock when they returned back home.

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In Conclusion

It is always interesting to learn about other countries.

Singapore does celebrate International Friendship Day for all government schools.

Singapore is made up of different races and this makes it unique simply getting different races to unite as one.

Regardless of where we are from, we must respect others regardless of race or religion and this makes the world a better place to live in.

Disclaimer: This is my personal reflection and I am not in any position to instruct anyone what they should do. I am not responsible for any action taken as a result of this post. My post can only be a reference for your further research and growth. By reading this post, you acknowledge and accept that. All images and pictures were taken from google images that are free from copyright under labelled for reuse.

This publication can also be found on my other blogs at Steemit, fun2learn.vornix.blog and Weku

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