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An article on climate change

tigerPosted for Everyone to comment on, 5 years ago4 min read


The climate of the past may not be the guideline for us in the future. What is climate change? The increasing or decreasing of temperature in the atmosphere due to human activities. The variables have changed. Over century years, the human beings have been multiplied so has our waste. We have altered the distribution of many things water, mercury, fluoride and carbon. The emission of co2 has changed from 3 metric tonnes to 8070 metric tonnes 2007. The Mauna Loa is exponentially increasing from 336 ppm in 1979 to 393 ppm in 2012. The water level is increasing dew to melting of snow and global warming as a result Greenland is facing problems. On a larger time frame if the water level goes on increasing than land mass will be covered by water and shape of the globe will change. The plants are dying due to oversaturation of water and ground level water is decreasing at large rate. In the end after all this loss results into economic loss. It effected 1.7 trillion $.

The major problem is that the population rarely know about this major issues. They are not even ready for such issues. They feel change in the climate but they don’t know they are indirectly doing it. Government has started taking initiatives against climate change by importing some laws such as eliminating the use of older refrigerants. There are some people who considered this issue to be a major problem and started using alternatives of fossil fuels and switching to renewable and clean source. But there were some people who started campaign in order to preserve the nature. People started educating people about the adverse effect of the climate change. Finally we cannot control the impact of natural disaster as it is unpredictable but we should always try that such condition never occurs.

In order to slow down the climate change the most important thing we can do is cut down the amount of greenhouse gas by planting more trees. Recycle Reduce Reuse everything you can. For example using the sanitary water for irrigation. Using energy efficient technology such as using led and latest efficient equipment. Cut down the extra usage of water, giving up your car and encouraging public transportation, reduce cut down of forest for various need such as food, wood, shelter, natural resources. Using renewable source of energy such as solar energy, wind energy, geo-thermal energy, and biomass. Use proper insulation in order to reduce the energy for heating and cooling. Reduce the food waste. Ban the use of old refrigerants as they were the main reason behind the ozone layer depletion. Get an energy audit at your workplace and every big institution

The most important thing we can do is reduce the population. Because more the number of people the more will be demand of the resources. Which in result in cut down of trees and usage of natural resources. This thing can be control by proper family planning. Government should also start a rule that every house should have fixed amount members. Even government should start campaigns in order to educate people. Another thing is using public transportation because imagine if everyone using their own mode of transportation how much pollutants it will emit. Use of biomass instead of fertilizer in order to reduce the land degradation.


At last on personal level I should educate myself what are the reason behind climate change and how to overcome it. The education I have I should try it educate the unfortunate ones. I will not waste the resources and try to use whenever required. I will start using public transport as much as I can. I will start using solar energy for cooking and heating. I will plant more trees and will not cut any trees. I will buy an electric car instead of petrol or diesel car. I will use bicycle for small trips. I will use the equipment made of sensors in order to reduce the consumption of energy. Finally it is not only the duty of government but individual to prevent nature for future generation.

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