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yinkaknlPosted for Everyone to comment on, 5 years ago7 min read

Someone said..." God does not speak Greek, He does not speak Hebrew, God speaks God."

God means what he says and says what he means. He is committed to His word.

The end time church will be an army of victorious and prosperous saints. An army of it one tongue. Their language is the language of God which is the word. They speak, reason and act on the word. This is where the victory lies.

The Bible says when the whole earth was without form and void, God spoke into existence all that we see today. Creation came into being through the word of God. Victory and failure is determined by the language you speak.

Heb. 1:3 says all things are upheld by the word of his power. The word of God is the word of his power. They are not empty words. They are words with the ability to create.


You can create your world by the word.
Everything you see is hanging on the word of God's power.

Your life too is hanging on the word and to sharpen and frame it, you need the word.
Heb. 11:3 says the worlds were framed by the word of God. Ironically, God is the first Engineer to have designed and supervised a framed structure.

To frame is to sharpen and preserve. Destinies are left carelessly because the word has not been applied.

The word of God gives your life a purpose. It preserves it from decay or mishandling.

Your diligent application of the word of God will create for you create for you a better world. Every serious location of God's word is the moulder of destiny.

John 1:1-5 tells us that the word is Jesus Himself and it has been ever before the beginning began. It is timeless. There was nothing that was created that was not created through the word.

Can you see how to throw the devil into confusion? Through the word. In the place of battle, light is the only weapon you need to put darkness to shame. You ridicule the enemy with your correct application of the word.

The word is what puts an end to oppression and struggles. Without the word, the struggle continues. When Joseph's word came, even pharaoh could not keep him bound.

There is a word for you. A word to set you free from the hardship and oppression you are going through now! A word of lifting to move you from where you are now to where you ought to be. Search it out.

Until you discover it through diligent study, you cannot recover. When you locate the word, the world will locate you for celebration. This was what happened to Joseph. A nonentity from the prison became a celebrity in the palace.

May your eyes be opened now to locate your destiny in Jesus Name.
In the above scripture it says.
Until the time that his word came. I want you to know there is a timing for every word. This is why in God's army PATIENCE is crucial. There is a timing for your word to come to pass. The scripture warns us to be followers of those who through faith and patience obtained the promise. To enlist in this army, you cannot be unruly as to God's plans and timing. May you not miss your timing.

On the other hand, there are those who take to the dancing floor when the music is over having missed their time in God. This will not be your lot in life.

Joseph's obedience was complete as at the time his lifting came. How obedient are you to God's word? Are you allowing the word of God to test you or you are the one testing the word?

God does not take over your battles when you are still disobedient. He waits for you to set your life in order for his lifting to come.

Joseph has passed various test before his promotion came. He passed the test of murmuring and complaining while sold out. He passed the test of adultery and faithfulness in portiphar's household. Nothing was missing while he was there. He was so honest that portiphar committed the entire house into his care. He also passed the test of servanthood. He was a servant indeed. Serving portiphar when he was there and when he was not there. No eye service. He passed all the test God brought his way. That test you are in, could be one of your promotion papers. Handle it with seriousness for your lifting to come.

Psalms 107:20 says "He (God) sent forth His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions"

When you look at the scripture, the question that readily comes is through who did He sent His word.

To be a vibrant officer in God's army you must locate your prophet. There is prophet God has sent your word through. Your word of healing and deliverance. Stop groping in bondage because of pride.

When you locate your prophet, you will enjoy stress-free deliverance and preservation. The scripture talks about ministry gifts (Eph.4:11&12) sent to the body for equipping the saints, the work of the ministry and the edification of the entire body of Christ.

An officer without a commander will fall prey to the enemy. In the new testament, this is beautifully illustrated. When Jesus caught up with Saul (who later became Paul) he asked Jesus what his assignment was. Jesus asked him to go to one Ananias:
Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou shall do. Acts 9:6

When I asked the lord why He didn't tell Saul what to do directly. Why waste his precious time? The Lord told me there is hierarchy and order in His army. I am not a civilian, I do not do things any how.

In the case of Cornelius too Acts 10), God refused to preach to him directly from heaven. He had given men these assignments. He had given men these assignments. He asked Cornelius to sent for Peter "who shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do" Vs 6.

God sent Philip to Gaza to explain the scripture to the eunuch of Ethiopian Acts 8:26-29 The eunuch read but never understood. He was delivered by Philip. When you locate your prophet, understanding will come. Your word of healing is in the mouth of a prophet. Find your prophet and stay put for your destiny to be preserved.

The word of God is described as the sword of the spirit. It is sharper than any two edged sword. This is the only weapon stronger and reliable than any other weapon. It is not a physical weapon yet it subdues the physical.

When you speak only the word, victory is sure. Be in fellowship with God's word and you will always march over the enemy.

  • Joseph held Egypt to ransom for seven years
  • He dethroned and derobbed the pharaoh
  • He dazed the magicians and wise men of Egypt.
    The secret was the word. The word of the Lord came to him, light came and he shined.

Arise now! Your light has come, God's glory is risen upon you. You will never suffer in obscurity again. You are coming to lime light.

The Daniels too are emerging. Those who will turn persecution into praise, obstacles to stepping stones breakdowns to breakthroughs, ridicules to miracles. In Daniel 9:2. Daniel gave himself to the word and his world turned president. He stormed Babylon, He exerted influence over it. He subdued and captured the kingdom and extended the domination of his God. A people the world has never seen are coming to the stage.

The Daniels and Josephs will dominate the secular from the spiritual.

The business world would be captured by them. Scientific discoveries shall be exclusive to them. Politics and government shall be delivered to them.

Christians are winning. This is the golden era of the church. An era of purity and value, of Holiness and wealth.

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