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Find Yourself And Protect It.

seyiodusPosted for Everyone to comment on, 5 years ago3 min read

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The secret is self-sufficiency. In the ability to be a person, in the ability to be happy with yourself. It's difficult. But all the rest of life will give you a gift.
Vivienne Westwood

The treasure of self-sufficiency is buried in each of us. It is necessary to make efforts and to find a precious casket, which helps to gain independence. With it, you will not need recognition from other people, their care, instructions, and endorsements.
Your self-esteem will not reflect in any way how people treat you. Self-sufficiency is the most beautiful thing that can be. It is inner harmony, it is wholeness, beauty, and peace. Self-sufficiency, as an autonomous power station, always gives light regardless of external circumstances.

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How to become self-sufficient and integral

Find yourself

Understand who you really are, and accept yourself.
Know your merits, appreciate them, emphasize them.
Develop your talents.

Listen to yourself

React to your own, not imposed from outside the needs. Satisfy them.


Be bold. Act, guided by your own values, without looking back at the reaction of society.
Rise above situations, circumstances, and emotions, and always try to see the whole picture.


Manly defend your right to be who you are. Defend your position. Especially if it is a matter of principle, "core" things that make you exactly who you are.
Give in once, second, third - lose yourself.

Let go of the shallow

Do not spray on trifles. There are many things, situations, opinions, which eggs are not worth being eaten out. Do not waste yourself in confrontations and disputes. It is often easier, cheaper and more useful for health to agree and stay with your opinion.

Own scale

Assess yourself on your own internal scale. Do not compare yourself with others and do not rely on the opinions of others.

Make time for yourself

Regularly allocate time for communication with yourself. Get out. Think, reflect, fantasize, keep a diary, write down impressions, emotions, ideas.

Do not allow external noise to muffle your inner voice

Sometimes you will have to act unpopularly, at times, accusations of heartlessness and selfishness will fall on your head, you will lose the disposition of individual people.
But this is nothing compared to what you will gain.

The sacred meaning is not in the external, not in the circumstances, not in the people that surround you, but in your inner essence, in your inner core. Not to happen around - you can always find in it support.

In difficult times, no matter what hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes happen, no matter how stormy - your inner core will help you to withstand. And in good times it will help to move forward boldly and confidently.

Thanks for reading.
originally posted on steemit


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